Lunch with Vanessa and Houmi
In this lunch, Vanessa and Houmi talk about the different ways you can talk about what you have done and what you can do.
- Prepare your elevator pitch that should include who you are, what you can do and how you add value to a business, organisation or a team. It needs to be simple and clear.
- Adapt your language depending on who you are communicating with. For example, if you are speaking with a HR Manager or a client who does not specialise in your area of expertise, avoid using technical terms or acronyms.
- Do not use vague words or phrases such as "stuff" or "I do everything".
- Articulate the steps that you have been involved in and what your role has been.
- When you are speaking with Directors, you want to explain to them how you can add value.
- You can speak technically when you come across people who are in your industry and you work with on a day to day basis.
- When speaking about the programs you know, explain your level of expertise (basic, intermediate, advanced).
- When you talk about the projects you have done, make you cover the following three:
- Problem: what was the problem that you were trying to solve.
- Action: what were the actions you tool
- Results: What were the results of your actions?
- Make sure you maintain a good posture.