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Interview Tips

Research the company

Before your interview, it’s essential to research the company. Knowing the company and expressing what you've learned makes a great first impression. It’s super easy to gather information on pretty much everything these days, so there’s no excuse for not knowing your potential employer’s business or their products!

Practice your interview skills

'Yes’ and ‘No’ responses don’t cut it in job interviews. You need to be able to describe your experiences clearly and explain why you are the perfect person for the role. To excel at this, write down some examples and practice presenting them with a family member or friend (or even to yourself in a mirror).

Think of at least four different stories you can tell. In recruitment, we call them PAR’s (Project, Action, Result) and these mean you can walk into an interview feeling confident.

  • Project – describe the brief you were given

  • Action – describe the action you took to complete the brief

  • Result – describe the result to the business.

On the day of your interview

  • Make sure you arrive 5-10 minutes early.

  • Make sure you're dressed appropriately for the type of business.

  • Turn off your mobile phone.

  • Make sure you smell nice and that your breath is fresh – no gum!

  • Be professional and polite to everybody; from the receptionist to the people you walk past.

The interview

  • Listen carefully to the questions and take a moment to consider your response before replying.

  • If you don’t understand the question, make sure you ask for clarification.

  • Keep your responses precise, to the point, and always positive.

  • Smile – it will hide any nerves.

  • Negative talk about previous employers does not reflect well, so find something positive to say or don’t say it at all.

  • Be aware of your body language. Sit up straight, make eye contact, maintain a smile and don’t fidget.

  • Be confident, be enthusiastic, and be yourself. Remain upbeat, professional and calm, no matter the pressure you might be feeling.

  • It’s often your personality that seals the deal, so don’t rely solely on selling your skills.

After the interview

Send a quick thank-you email to the interviewer letting them know you’ve appreciated their time and that you’re eager for the role (if you are).

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